PLATO Panel Talks: Quality in DevOps

November 24, 2020|

Where does QA fit in DevOps? This month on PLATO Panel Talks, our host Mike Hrycyk talks with experienced DevOps experts Jonathan Duncan and Terri McAllister about what quality and testing mean in DevOps and [...]

Your Accessibility Testing Cheat Sheet

October 26, 2020|

If you’ve been involved in any accessibility testing, you know that there is a lot of information that needs to be considered before you can call something accessible. Between the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (in [...]

  • Employee Working on Two Screens

PQA Panel Talks: Working And Testing From Home

September 28, 2020|

This month on PQA Panel Talks, our host Mike Hrycyk called up Patriot One Technologies Director of Platform Quality Nathaniel Couture and PQA's VP Customer Success Jonathan Duncan for a brainstorming session on the potential [...]

  • Employee Typing on Keyboard

3 Tips for Testing From Home

September 28, 2020|

We've got three tips to improve your team's testing from home. By adopting some new platforms and practices, you can get everyone on the same page and have your testing working like clockwork, all from [...]