PQA Panel Talks is back with our second episode! This month we are bringing together PLATO Testing’s Keisha Nguyen and Keith Joe, as well as, PQA Testing’s Chris Wagner, to talk with Mike Hrycyk about their experiences working on their first content migration project. The panel also has an excellent discussion on the keys to success in content migration, and the software tester skills that made them the right team for the job.

Chris Wagner is a Software Tester with a focus on test automation. Chris performs a variety of different quality assurance-related projects. Chris graduated with a Bachelor of Computer Science from UNB in 2019. He worked on numerous test automation projects, automating API requests and ensuring the correct response is returned. Outside work, Chris is an avid competitive curler in New Brunswick, focusing most of his free time on competing and improving his skills.

Keisha Nguyen is a Quality Assurance Analyst from St. Mary’s First Nations and a part of the PLATO Fredericton team. Keisha has been working as a Software Tester for the past four years. She also participated in the Foundation in Test Automation and the Cybersecurity Short-Term Technical training. Keisha has worked on a wide range of projects, including Content Migration. When she isn’t at work, she loves to create art and play video games.

Keith Joe is a Quality Assurance Analyst at PLATO Testing in Miramichi, NB, from Esgenooptitj First Nation. He has been working as a Quality Assurance Analyst for four years and was one of the first students to participate in the first Indigenous software tester training course with PLATO back in the fall of 2015. Since then, Keith has worked on a wide range of projects in industries ranging from restaurant and service, transportation, and government, also has experience in content migration and automation. In his spare time, Keith enjoys reading, painting, playing guitar, cooking, camping and fishing.

Mike Hrycyk has been trapped in the world of quality since he first did user acceptance testing 20+ years ago. He has survived all of the different levels and a wide spectrum of technologies and environments to become the quality dynamo that he is today. Mike believes in creating a culture of quality throughout software production and tries hard to create teams that hold this ideal and advocate it to the rest of their workmates. Mike is currently the VP of Service Delivery, West for PLATO Testing, but has previously worked in social media management, parking, manufacturing, web photo retail, music delivery kiosks and at a railroad. Intermittently, he blogs about quality at http://www.qaisdoes.com.

Twitter: @qaisdoes
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikehrycyk/

Categories: Content Migration