For our first ever PQA Panel Talks our team is talking about Shift Left, Shift Right! How does our team of experts define Shift Left and Shift Right as concepts and use them to improve our testing practices? In this conversation with our experts we talk about how we define Shift Left, Shift Right & how these concepts are developing and can improve your testing practices.

Allyson has been a technology enthusiast for over 20 years and has spent the past 7 years pursuing her passion for quality assurance. This passion has granted her the opportunity to pioneer quality standards in cutting edge technologies including image recognition, artificial intelligence, blockchain and decentralized applications.

PQA Vice President of Service Delivery, East Brian Doyle

As the VP of Service Delivery, East, Brian is in charge of all the day-to-day operations at PQA to ensure a seamless execution and delivery on all projects. Brian has been with PLATO Testing for over 15 years and has held various roles during that time. He also develops and implements PLATO’s strategic vision in Ontario, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Outside of work, Brian enjoys travelling, carpentry, softball, and golf.

Mike Hrycyk has been trapped in the world of quality since he first did user acceptance testing 20+ years ago. He has survived all of the different levels and a wide spectrum of technologies and environments to become the quality dynamo that he is today. Mike believes in creating a culture of quality throughout software production and tries hard to create teams that hold this ideal and advocate it to the rest of their workmates. Mike is currently the VP of Service Delivery, West for PLATO Testing, but has previously worked in social media management, parking, manufacturing, web photo retail, music delivery kiosks and at a railroad. Intermittently, he blogs about quality at

Twitter: @qaisdoes

Nathaniel (Nat) Couture, BSc MSc., has over a 15 years of experience in leadership roles in the technology sector. He possesses a solid foundation of technical skills and capabilities in product development including embedded systems, software development and quality assurance. With a decade of experience as CTO in two successful small ITC companies in New Brunswick, Canada, Nat has proven himself as a solid leader, capable of getting the job done when it counts by focusing on what’s important. He’s a very effective communicator who has mastered the art of simplicity. Nat has served as an expert witness on matters of software quality. He is always driving to adopt and create technologies that incrementally reduce manual labor and at the same time improve the quality of the end product.”


Twitter: @natcouture

Categories: Shift Left, Shift Right